Today I had an interesting conversation with my body.
Me: Hello there, body.
My body: Hi there, David. How's it going?
Me: Not good.
My body: Not good? Why not good?
Me: When I weighed you this morning the scale said you were only 161 lbs. Why did the scale say you were only 161 lbs?
My body: Err.... umm.... hey don't look at me! You're the one in control here!
Me: The mere fact that I'm having a conversation with my body should make it clear that I'm in no way capable of controlling anything.
My body: True. I don't know what to tell you, man. I don't feel malnourished. We've been to the doctor twice already and he couldn't find anything wrong with us. This is clearly your responsibility.
Me: I've been feeding you just fine. With the exception of one week back in December, very little has changed about our diet.
My body: Hey, you're the one who wanted us to be thin again. Why so glum? I mean, if I feel fine... then that means you're the one not feeling well. How do you feel?
Me: I feel like I'm disappearing.