After waking up and performing my morning jog, the decision was finally made to get my old bicycle out of storage. Before I moved to Arizona, I was a quite the physically active fellow. Despite having humongous square rimmed glasses and hair so long it went down my back, I was in fact atheletic. In addition to practicing Shotokan Karate, I was an avid bike rider. Despite living nearly 8 miles away from my first high school, I woke up every morning at 6:15 to get to class on time. Back in Fresno, if you did not live at least 9 miles away from Clovis West High School then you could not ride the bus. You had to get to class all on your own. Knowing this, my parents purchased me a brand new bicycle to use for getting to and from school. Being 15 and having no car, this bike became a part of me.
At 15 years old, I was a stocky fellow. Riding my bike to school (uphill... BOTH WAYS!) gave me humongous legs and calves. In fact, the first positive comment I ever received from a girl was that I had attractive legs. Unfortunately it was my glasses and my hair that kept everyone else away. Luckily for all of you readers out there, no picture of me from that time period exists.
I moved away from Fresno. Said goodbye to all my old friends and promised to keep in touch with them via the internet. After landing here in Arizona I realized that outdoor physical activity was a bit more difficult due to the heat. Worse yet, I ended up living in an area very far away from the high school I transfered to. Because of this, the bike went in storage. There it sat for 9 years.
My good friend John Roland has heard me talk about this bike for too long. For quite some time now, he's been on my case to get the bike out of the shed in backyard and get it refurbished. Well Mr. Roland, the bike is out of the shed. Oddly enough, the tires are just fine and only needed a little bit of air. Granted much still needs to be done. The bike is in dire need of a washing along with some grease added to the chain. Despite all that, the bike is out of storage and it is rideable.
Bike: WHAT THE? What are you doing? I was sleeping damnit!
Me: Come on old friend, don't you remember me? We used to be best buds!
Bike: Yeah, and then you shoved me in a tool shed for 9 years. Great friend you are!
Me: Hey man, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have neglected you like that. I'll get you fixed up so we can go out riding with John this weekend.
Bike: I don't know... this just seems like some half assed attempt to "change up" your life.
Me: Hey now... anything that breaks up the daily routine is good right? Now come on old buddy, chin up.
Bike: Alright, alright. Just do me a favor and tell that busted ass old honda of your it can kiss my rear reflector.
Me: Will do my friend. Will do.
Now a small note to my friend Brandon. Brandon, I've been finishing the template for your new blog. It wont be long now, sorry I got a little side tracked.