Friday, February 27, 2004

The Real Friday Blues

Friday is here. Usually a person in my position wouldn't care at all since Friday is no different from any other day. The week has been long, and I've been spent the past month being extremely tense. When you're stressed out and worrysome, you don't notice how fast time is going by you. It's like walking in the middle of a freeway while cars zip on past you at 70 mph. Rather than attempt to write something profound, I think It's time I posted a picture

After scouring through the archives here, there's not much left except for Shark Ass.

In more ways than one I regret giving up visiting certain places on the internet. I gave up internet forums and other supreme wastes of time just to change up the daily routine. The interenet is full of strange and interesting people, many of which will take pictures of themselves nude and send them off to you. This particular girl, very proud of her backside, sent me a picture for a nice bit of photo-editing. Tired of my usual multi-layered zombie technique, I thought to do something simple yet terrifying.