Fix one problem and another one pops up. It's almost 5:00 in the morning and insomnia has come back to haunt yours truly.
Brain: A 2 hour "Fist of the Northstar" marathon? Fucking awesome! I love late night digital cable.
Body: What are you crazy? It's 3:00 AM! Shut off already, I'm fuckin beat.
Brain: Hey, it's not everyday we get to watch our good friend Kenshiro punch a villain so many times that it causes the villain's fucking skin to fly off.
Body: Oh good god! You know how stuff like that upsets my stomach. Just earlier today when our friends were describing the torture scenes in that new Jesus movie, I nearly tossed my cookies.
Brain: Oh you big pansy. Damn... I mean, lighten up. You're always complaining to me about this shit. "Waaah, that guy is cutting off his own tongue." "Waaah, that woman is getting her eye sliced open by a straight razor." Toughen up will ya? This is good entertainment!
Body: You're seriously messed up, man. I'm going to bed.