No it wasn't my shoulder, it was this.
That's the symbol I've been wearing around my neck since December of 1998. It means "monkey" Being born in 1980 labels me as a monkey, but that's not why I wore it around my neck all the time, I did so because it was given to me by Molly while we were on our first official "date." It's just some little trinket, but it's one of the very few things that I've had sentimental attachment with. Most everything else I own can easily be replaced, but that can't be. Since I received it, Molly and I have been friends, not friends, more then friends, and all sorts of complications but having that necklace always helped me remember a time when things between us were nothing but good. So yeah, I lost it while playing volley ball, took it off in a grass field late at night and stuffed it into my shoes before playing. When I left, I took everything out of the shoes but forgot the necklace. It just makes me sad of course, it's gone and I can never get it back. The necklace in a way is similar to the person who gave it to me. I'll let Boffo, the clown of despair show you all how I feel right now.