I had a discussion with my good friend John Roland as I was driving into Phoenix this past Sunday evening.Me: Hey John, how's it going? I just got back into Phoenix.
John: You went to Tucson, right? How was it?
Me: How did you know I went to Tucson? I left Friday on a whim without really telling anyone.
John: Well I figured you were definately out of town since you weren't online on AIM.
Me: You know, while I always have trillian turned on, I'm usually set the status to away.
John: Of course, but in this situation your screen name wasn't even showing. The only time when I've seen that occur is when you're out of town or it's really late at night.
Me: Good point.
Yes I went to Tucson for a bit. Nothing notworthy happened of course, just chilled, met some interesting people and got to meet up with old friends from college. The reason I went is to break free of my pattern. While not being anything close to an adventure, taking a quick trip to Tucson helped to change up my weekend routine, plus I got to eat Brooklyn Pizza (a pizza parlour, not actual pizza from Brooklyn, NY) for the first time in a year and a half.
I have a fear of being predictable. Having a pattern of activity means that others can predict your actions. If one was so inclined, it would be possible to manipulate another person by reconginizng patterns of behavior. This post was supposed to be something interesting, but at 4:45 AM, I doubt that's even possible at this point.