When keeping score becomes obsolete and all anyone wants to do is just play for the hell of it, then a new type of scoring system must be created. As we all know, you can't serve off a shuttlecock without calling out the score first. To do anything else would just be plain barbaric. My friends and I are victims of being exposed to way too much media, so naturally our new scoring system of the night would involve the names of pop culture icons relevant to our generation. For example, before serving off the shuttlecock, a player would propose one icon vs. another. Whoever gains the point determines which icon is superior. For example... "Dark Crystal vs. Labyrinth." The victor of that round was of course Dark Crystal.
Now I shall attempt to list all the matches that my memory will allow
Transformers Vs. GoBots
GI Joe Vs. M.A.S.K.
Cylons Vs. Stormtroopers
Battlestar Galactica Vs. Buck Rogers
(biddy biddy biddy)
Operations Vs. Don't Wake Daddy
Battleship Vs. Candyland
(Battleship is the game that teaches children how to lie)
The Last Starfighter Vs. Commander Kril
(Commander Kril surprisingly did not die)
Mighty Max Vs. Polly Pocket
ED 209 Vs. Robocop 3
Predator Vs. Running Man
Eisner Vs. Disney
Eisner Vs. The Devil
(Go Devil!)
Eisner Vs. Jesus
Eisner Vs. The Holy Ghost
(Eisner could not defeat a non-corporial form)
Rainbow Brite Vs. Strawberry Shortcake
Masters of the Universe Vs. Power Lords
RoboForce Vs. Starriors
Van Helsing Vs. Monster Squad
Hungry Hungry Hippos Vs. Crossfire
M.U.S.C.L.E. Vs. Battle Beasts
Supernaturals Vs. Visionaries
Dukes of Hazard Vs. BJ & The Bear
Nintendo Vs. Sega
(Coins Vs. Rings)
Thundercats Vs. Silverhawks
Laser Tag Vs. Photon
So far, that's all I can remember at 1:20 AM.