How lovely. The story behind this one is that someone in an irc channel gave me the picture on the left to do "nasty things to" but didn't want to me to alert the person in the picture (who also frequents the channel) that he'd given it to me. Now right off the bat, the person who gave me the picture is an idiot. The girl would know he gave away the image as soon as she saw it photoshopped. With that being understood, I thought Ithat something horrific would be best instead of the obvious lewd joke. So cutting out her cheek from the inside with a switchblade (hard to see) was the only sensible idea I could come up with.
Right now I feel like shit flattened out by a wooden mallot. I also need a job, do any of you out there have a job you want to give away? Today I got up at 9:00, a little hazy but nothing I couldn't handle. At around 9:30 I go to turn the old "machine" one and check all the usual websites and emails. Hopefully in about 2 hours I'll head out with my friend's Brian and Gurg to look for jobs at a nearby indian casino. Although I don't think this will be successful for me, since my Father is a former employee of this casino which the current tribal council of the reservation has bad blood with. This is a sign among many other signs that it is time for me to get the hell out of Arizona.