Monday, October 06, 2003

Once upon a time I turned this lovely lady

*click on each picture for full size version*

into this.

This was another request given to me by yet another attractive young lady I don't know. Unfortunately there was some macroblocking in that webcam shot, so I shrunk the picture just a little bit to reduce the problem. My original goal with this picture was to make some kind of freakish "frost" queen. Unfortunately trying to make realistic looking ice and frost in photoshop is a bit of a pain. When that didn't work I just said "fuck it," and decided to do what I always do. I went ahead and made her into a zombie.

This time around the texture was all from pictures I took of roots, rocks, gravel, and stucko found around my backyard. I was getting tired of ripping off other peoples artwork and thought to do something on my own for once. You may have notice that the fleshy face part is from the same corpse as the one in this PICTURE Hey, what can I say? Deadblonde.jpg was good enough for me to use twice (and maybe a third time in the future).