It is 4:30 AM and I am writing to you all from Joey Moore's apartment. I wont lie, I got quite hammered this past evening. An old friend from high school, Edward Aubert Carter, has temporarily moved back to Phoenix. To celebrate receiving his first paycheck from Broadcom, Ed took my friends and I out to Four Peaks for many rounds of the precious beer known as "Kilt Lifter." Kilt Lifter is not like your average american beer, oh no. This beer contains about 6% alcohol. I managed to drink about 4 1/2 pints of this precious brew in under an hour. Amazingly I did not die... nor did I fall asleep at any time during the evening.This is something to celebrate about as it is well known that even 2, 12 oz. Beers can put me out like a shorted out light bulb. The last time I consumed this much alcohol is back in the beginning of December. Of course back then I was drinking beers in rapid succession merely to forget the horrible heart break I was suffering at the time. That experience left me with a bad headache and a really bruised up knee. Tonight was different and I was quite shocked to find myself having a smashing good time. My good friend Ben even made the comment, "I'm quite suprised, David. For the first time in a long time you seem very congenial." Ed added, "Yeah... I see you finally got over all that stress that made you lose 40lbs. What did you do?"
I just smiled back at Ed and said, "I just stopped caring."
Of course that's not completely true, there's still plenty of people places and things in this world that I care about. As 5:00 AM approaches, all I can say in conclusion is "Thank you, Ed."