According that little site-meter on the right, this blog has had 2,000 hits since December. Despite this website receiving a decent amount of traffic, I do not receive a lot feedback. I figure as long as people keep looking here for material, I'll do my best to keep providing that material. Of course this material will just be random images without any real content, but that's what I'm good for. With my ability to create meaningless eye candy, you'd think I would've tried to get a job working for Jerry Bruckheimer.
Soon I'll have some vector tracings of Fist of the Northstar up. Fist of the Northstar or known in Japan as "Hokuto no Ken," is an anime which no one in the United States has bothered to watch since the late 1980's. For good reason I suppose, since the show consists of a man who runs around in a post apocalyptic future and beats the living shit out of everything in his path. It's pretty terrible, but it appeals to my inner 14 year old.
Vector tracing is good exercise for someone like me, who up until recently has never done any work with vector graphics before. For years I was doing images in raster graphics on Photoshop without any cocern for that pesky little pen tool. Now that I've dipped my hands into the creative molten lava that is vector graphics, my hands have been charred with the painful but satisfying toil of manipulating curves and shapes. So for all you readers out there, email me screen caps of your favorite animated shows and I'll do my best to vector trace them into desktop sized images.