Oh what a pair that Brian and Gurg...
Oh what a pair that Brian and Gurg...
Okay I guess a little description is required. Many times I've gone over to my friend Brian's house and everyone just does their own thing. Nick is with his girlfriend, Brian tuckers out on the couch, Gurg is cooking... you get the drill. So what do I get to do? I took my Gamecube home and playing Eternal Darkness on the bigscreen to scare the shit out of everyone else was my usual choice of activities. Luckily I gave brian a copy of the old Photoshop and he had the smarts for install it on his computer. One thing you should know is that Brian's computer is hooked up to the extremely large television that he inherited from his older sister. By means of a video card with tv-out, you can display anything on the computer onto a television just like it was a monitor. Additionally, Brian has a ton of photos from years past archived on his computer. That gives me plenty of source material to work from. Oddly enough, they all seem to be pics of him together with Gurg...
To make a long story short, I found a picture of Brian & Gurg wearing towels on their heads and immediately saw the cloaks of sith lords. The idea was simple, I would make Gurg into Palpatine / Darth Sidious and Brian into Darth Maul. I used actual features from Palpatine (ROTJ) to detail Gurg's face. All the while I made sure to keep intact his natural Mexican mocha skin tone. Brian, as usual, proved to be the most difficult to work with. Since I couldn't find any picture of Darth Maul that shows the bottom of his nose I had to improvise. No amount of perspective shifting and skewing would get a straight on Darth Maul tattoo pattern to go onto Brian's face properly. So I just drew it on their by hand with Brian's mouse. God how I wished I had my stylus at that point. With that layer down, I just colored his skin red and darkened everything else. After that I just changed the color of the cloaks making sure to keep that towel pattern for Brian because I thought it looked cool and goes well with Darth Maul. Add in a cheesy Coruscant background and an even cheesier greeting card message (Gurg's idea) and WALAH. Finished in about an hour. I straight up did a Lenscrafters version of a really cool photosohp.