23 years. 23 long, boring, lonely, terrible years. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go have a drink.
4 teens go to have fun at a rave... on an island... full of zombies. Awful zombies.
Monday, November 03, 2003
Despite having finally gotten over my being sick today, I feel like total shit. Nose isn't stuffed up, throat isn't hurting, I'm not fatigued at all, nope this is something totally different but very familiar to me. Having spent nearly every waking moment of my life alone (when it comes to companionship and all that business) every now and then I get a special kind of feeling. It's the feeling that someone just poured hot lead down your throat and is melting through your stomach lining. You've no doubt experienced this feeling before. That feeling can be illustrated quite nicely with this image here.

23 years. 23 long, boring, lonely, terrible years. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go have a drink.
23 years. 23 long, boring, lonely, terrible years. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go have a drink.