Oh snap! A whole week and not a single post! Since I have nothing in my brain to post about at 4:00 AM Thursday morning, here's a little photocopy project I made about a year ago. The premise is simple, take a piece of disturbing and/or gruesome piece of art and make it pleasant.
On the left we have Manfredi's painting of David carving up the severed head of Goliath. On the right we have my version. Enjoy.
The time happens to be 4:23 AM and I still haven't thrown myself into bed. Truth is, I haven't had a decent night of sleep since the 1st of December 2003. The reason for my lack of sleep 7 months ago was well known to anyone who could read and had a pulse, but as to why I still can't sleep 7 months later is somewhat of a mystery. Perhaps this odd case of insomnia is generated by a lack of desire to face the upcoming day. My hypothesis is that I don't go to bed because then I wont have to wake up and deal with the events that might occur the next day.