Drink soda...
~ My love for Pirate Lemonade ~

~ My love for Pirate Lemonade ~
Here it is, the one, the only... BLACK LEMONADE. I first came in contact with this wonderful pirate beverage a while ago when Atomic Comics opened up their new location at the Chandler Mall. I was there with Nick, Ryan, and a young lady named Annie. Nick had just gotten some time off work and for once wanted to spend some money on himself. I decided to go along since... well... I had nothing better to do. To make a long story short we managed to find our way to Atomic Comics. Me and that store go way back, ever since I moved back to Arizona in '95. Most of the staff that still remains from those days know me on a first name basis (I really can't remember how that happened).
During my last semester of college, I made a trip back to Phoenix every week. While back in phoenix, I'd be sure to try and visit all my friends and make a weekly visit to Atomic Comics. Almost every week I went back to tucson with a new trade paper back for me to read. Doing this for every week during the semester allowed me the odd capability to own every single comic trade paper back I ever wanted to own.
I did this with DVD's as well. I bought all the movies I liked, and then... there's really nothing left. Same with comics really. Now I just go into the store and buy a soda, since Atomic Comics seems to be the only place in town I know of that carries strange and delicious sodas that you can't get at your local supermarket. So back to the story... when I caught my first glimpse of a black lemonade bottle, I knew I had to try it. I mean... it's a soda with a skull & crossbones plus evil glowing red eyes. Hell, it could possibly kill you if you drank it! So naturally I had to try it myself. While shelling out 2 dollars for a bottle of soda seems rather extreme, by the time that dark blue liquid with the hint of grey touched my tongue the price would seem far too reasonable for future transactions.
When you take your first swig of black lemonade, you first notice the slight hint of citrus, then a stinging sourness along the surface of your tongue. If you're brave enough you muster up enough strength to let it hit the back of your throat before swallowing. Upon contact with the back of the throat, an intense burning sensation occurs, one unlike anything you've ever experienced with a soda before. On its way down to your stomach, black lemonade burns down your esohpagus and finally rests itself in the pit of your gut. There it will continue to burn reminding you of the most wonderful non-alcoholic beverage you've ever tasted. The pain of delicious refreshment carries with you wherever you go for the next hour or so. It's such a wonderful feeling.
The best part of course is that Black Lemonade turns your lips and tongue black.
Now that's a good soda!
Back to the list for a moment. Items 3 and 5 are completed. The agedashi tofu was interesting. Not having deep fried anythying in my life before, it was an interesting learning experience. For starters, I used too much cornstarch. By the time each cube was finished the breading coating it was tougher than a tortoise shell. Next I should've cut smaller cubes of tofu and seasoned them with dashi and miso instead of hoisin sauce. Perhaps I should just spend some time out of the day and head over to Sakana demanding that their master chef should teach me how to make this stuff properly. The point here of course, is that I tried. While I believe I should make something else for a pot luck / cook off, I will not give up on the agedashi tofu.
01. Build web server with John
02. Create new lay out for blog and other blogs
04. Create MAME box of own design or install into a Street Fighter II arcade cabinet
06. Steal Dan McCleary's fabled computer chair
07. Defeat "Ghosts and Goblins" on the NES.
08. Finish and perfect my upcomming zombie tribute to DeChirico
09. Rewatch all the good movies from the past 2 years with Sara when she returns.
10. Study for and pass the GMAT with flying colors
11. Obtain MCSE certification
12. Get a job.
13. Go hiking in Havasupai
14. Go back to school