This delightful little image was done by using a composite of poser, beksinksi paintings for texture, and scans from the wonderful book Anatomica Encylopedia. The book has many photographs of wax sculptures that were made to depict vivisections that were performed on human bodies in the late 16th century. Seeing as how photographs didn't exist back then, some folk in that age were smart enough to preserve reality in other forms of reproduction.
Back to the picture, I always wanted to do a picture that showed one of the munch-ish creatures tearing off their expressionist skin to reveal a very real physique of muscle, bone, and tissue. It was also to show a transition of mine from doing the poser style stuff, to working on human bodies. Seeing as how by that time I hated poser with a passion, this seemed like a good thing to do. I have no idea why the picture is as small as it turned out. I think it's because at the time I had just gotten a new viewsonic flat panel monitor, but had to deal with the problem of it having only a native resolution of 1024x768. When I learn how to make more detailed figures in either maya or 3dsmax, I'll try and recreate this picture.